NOTE: You do NOT get a free reroll anymore unless there a major changes in a patch update. I’m leaving it in so people know how the system works.

Again these are just my own ideas based on experience but there are many other opinions about it.
Using a mage to start with you can bulk levels, then you have one free reseraph where you keep your levels and completed quests. To access this once you have gone through the heart of destiny there is a well East where you enter. Follow the prompts then you will be in the chamber room again and once you are in LH you can use the .levelup command to regain your levels.

Character Builds

Fast levelling
Air/Earth Mage
*These two mages are the best for survivability as they have heals and when you hit VIP 185+ you can use mass turn undead to kill doers

*310 if you want Taranis Jewels to boost air power
40 End – very difficult at higher levels but I hear it gets easier as you get higher, very quick killing machine
180 End & 300 End both good choices if you are going to reseraph I wouldn’t worry about going 400 End

Typical Build Ideas*
Warrior – xxx/xxx/75/114/64(for Major) 65(JROS for a better entangle) or 72(if you want Invis)
Archer – xxx/xxx/xxx/114/75
Pally – xxx/xxx/75/174/xxx
BattleMage – xxx/xxx/75/174+/72


Exotic Builds
Great thing about T4c you can do what you want

Suggestion from Dahas

1. Human
Fire mage
Things to do: get mana burst, go till fire ball and learn flame wave later fire shield, get lvl 90 ish, kill gluriul, get immortal bracer, get wand.
2. 1x 2x 3x same as human just all seraph point to fire for fast lvls and do the exact lvl you need to be to reborn not more coz is waste of time.
3. 4x all to light from 1 to 100 you go with EQ with or with out shield is your choice.
Get earth gear and use it from 100 to 185 then switch to light power and use Mass TU for xp.

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Character Builder Ideas